
CoorsTek Fellowships

Create the next generation of high-performance materials, working on projects of scientific interest and industrial significance with faculty at Colorado School of Mines and scientists and engineers at CoorsTek, the global leader in engineered technical ceramics.

A Coorstek Fellow will recieve a competitive stipend, 100 percent of tuition, fees and health care, and opportunities to work with world-renowned scientists and engineers in a beautiful setting

For more information, click here.

GEM Fellowships

GEM is a network of leading corporations, government laboratories, top universities, and top research institutions that enables qualified students from underrepresented communities to pursue graduate education in applied science and engineering.

For more information, click here.
GAANN Fellowships

The Department of Education’s program, Graduate Assistantships in Areas of National Need (GAANN), provides fellowships to support graduate students with excellent records who plan to pursue a Ph.D. in a field designated as an area of national need. The goal of this GAANN fellowship is to train future scientists and engineers in research, coursework, and teaching in different areas that relate to resilience in the face of natural or manmade disasters.

For more information, click here.
NSF Fellowships

The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education.

Each Fellowship consists of three years of support during a five-year fellowship period. NSF provides a stipend of $32,000 to the Fellow and a cost-of-education allowance of $12,000 to the graduate degree-granting institution for each Fellow utilizing the fellowship support in a fellowship year. Pending the availability of funds in 2015, it is anticipated that the stipend will increase to $34,000, as indicated in NSF’s FY2015 Budget Request to Congress.

For more information, click here.

University Fellowships

To be awarded the University Fellowship means that you’re an outstanding student due to your significant academic achievements and the Mines faculty voted to award you this fellowship. There is no action or work related to this position, and it is a recognizable achievement. Awardees will receive $4000 annually and have an additional $4000 to spend on professional development, with advisor approval.  

Only PhD applicants will be accepted. The fellowship is awarded based on a 3.75 GPA, GRE 85% quantitative and faculty nominations. Currently GRE scores are not being taken in to account due to COVID.